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Events in Jerusalem

Pleasant Melodies from the Crazy Mountain

at 29.07.2010

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Thursday jul 29th

Renowned wind instrument musician Eyal Sela presents "Pleasant Melodies from the Crazy Mountain: pour light on the fire in order to enlighten it"...A powerful debut performance, which has at its center the mysticism and energy of the rituals of Meron. The experience of fire, energy, and spirituality is delivered via music, dance, and text.  The performance combines Sela's original melodies with the "crazy" music of Meron and the traditional tunes of the hilulot. Throughout the years, a choreography has also developed on the mountain which does not exist anywhere else in the world. By means of music, texts, and dance, the show stirs the audience and invites the audience to experience spiritual ecstacy, and the mystical happiness of Meron.

With: Eyal Sela: Turkish clarinet, clarinet, flute, zorna, Indian flute, and vocals | Mark Eliyahu: kamancha and bagalma | Vasim Uda: Oud | Gilad Efrat: bass | Aviad Ben Yehuda: Mediterranean percussion instruments | Yochai Cohen: Mediterranean and Asian percussion instruments and vocals

Aharon Feuerstein: Direction | Albert Yashinsky: lighting | Shalom Cohen: Choreography

Tickets: Bimot: 02-634-7000 | Beit Shmuel: 02-620-3463







Eliyahu Shama St. 6

Near Pleasant Melodies from the Crazy Mountain

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