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Events in Jerusalem

Chanukah 2011 at the Malcha Mall

Chanukah 2011 at the Malcha Mall at 21.12.2011

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Wednesday dec 21st

The Malcha Mall hosts a slew of festive events over Chanukah. Candle lighting followed by jelly donut distribution to children will take place every day at 18:00.

Wednesday, December 21:
17:15: festive candle lighting ceremony with Mayor Nir Barkat in attendance
18:00: Salon and Latin American dance performance by the A-DANCE dance studio students

Thursday, December 22 at 18:00: "The Power of Rhythm": the coolest team in town takes on tough problems and helps children solve them all.

Sunday, December 25 at 18:00: "Kofiko": a new musical performance for the whole family.

Monday, December 26 at 18:00: "Tararam Kids": world rhythms in a special musical, rhythmic, performance.

Tuesday, December 27 at 18:00: "Puncher and Popik": the two funny mischief makers from "Uncle Chaim's World" in a performance for the whole family.

Sunday-Tuesday, December 25-27 from 11:00-14:00: Sweet workshops. Projects include: a wrapped sweet skewer, a spinning top filled with candy, playdough sculpting, chocolate balls in a gift box.



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