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Events in Jerusalem

Chanukah 2010 Race and Torch Parade with Mayor Nir Barkat and IDF Major-Generals

Chanukah 2010 Race and Torch Parade with Mayor Nir Barkat and IDF Major-Generals at 02.12.2010

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Thursday dec 2nd

The Jerusalem Municipality presents "To the Light of Heroes": a torch race and parade in the City Center on the second day of Chanukah, December 2, 2010 at 15:00, with Mayor Nir Barkat and IDF Major-Generals who fought in the wars of 1948, 1967, and 1973.

Mayor Nir Barkat will kick off the race at 15:00. At 15:30 the race will set off from the Western Wall with over 1,500 IDF fighters participating. The race will pass through Dung Gate and Mount Zion to Safra Square, the Begin Museum, King David Street, Mamilla, and Tzahal Square.

At the end of the race there will be a torch parade with the participation of Mayor Nir Barkat, IDF fighters from the 1948, 1967, and 1973 wars, as well as families of fallen soliders, youth, and accompanied by light rail cars. The torch parade will set off at 16:15 from Safra Square and end in Zion Square with a candle lighting ceremony, an artistic program, and more.

Race participants will participate in "Jewish hero - then and today" tours in the Old City and hear about the history of battles in Jerusalem and the stories of those who fought for Jerusalem.


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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