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Events in Jerusalem

Jerusalem Celebrates Independence: Live Museum at Mamilla and Jaffa Gate

Jerusalem Celebrates Independence: Live Museum at Mamilla and Jaffa Gate at 20.04.2010

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Tuesday apr 20th

The Jerusalem Municipality celebrates Israel's 61st birthday with performances and events around the city. On Independence Day, Tuesday afternoon, Mamilla and Jaffa Gate will become a Live Museum in honor of 150 years since Binyamin Zev Hertzl's birthday.


In 1898 Hertzl came to Jerusalem to meet Emperor Wilhelm II and receive his support for the idea of a Jewish state. While here, he stayed at the Marcus family home on Mamilla St., where the Stematzky book store is now housed. From this house, he gazed upon Jerusalem and dreamed of a "new and beautiful Jerusalem." His vision came to fruition, and indeed: it was not just a fantasy; a dream. On Independence Day, on Alrov Mamilla Avenue and in the Jaffa Gate plaza, Jerusalemites and visitors will gather to tell and hear stories of the history carved out of the stones and houses of Jerusalem. There will be costumed actors, dancers, and musicians dressed as figures from Israel's and Jerusalem's history that will act out stories and bring them to life, and traditional foods from various historical periods in Israel.


This is the seventh year that the Jerusalem Municipality is organizing a live museum for Independence Day.

Open Hours

15:00-19:30, final performance at 19:30.


Alrov Mamilla Avenue


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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