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Events in Jerusalem

Israel Festival 2010 - Charles Lloyd New Quartet - 50% Discount for Users

Israel Festival 2010 - Charles Lloyd New Quartet - 50% Discount for Users at 29.05.2010

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Saturday may 29th

Get a 50% Discount for this Israel Festival Jazz Performance! 


To order tickets with this special price, call 1700-70-20-15 and tell them "GoJerusalem" sent you. (There is a 25% rebate for discounted tickets priced at 80 NIS).


Limited seating. Offer subject to available space.


The Israel Festival is the largest and most important international arts and cultural festival in the land and has chosen Jerusalem as its eternal home (save for a few scattered events in other cities).

Charles Lloyd New Quartet:

Saxophone: Charles Lloyd

Piano: Jason Moran

Bass: Reuben Rogers

Drums: Eric Harland


The legendary jazz saxophonist Charles Lloyd draws listeners into a world-wide journey that penetrates the depths of the soul. Lloyd, who has spent the last four decades playing post-bop, has multi-cultural influences and improvised upon avant-garde music during the psychedelic era of the 60s. Now, at age 72, he will perform in Israel with a new, wonderful quartet. The audience will, undoubtedly, be swept away and by their music


Praise for Lloyd:

“Lloyd once again has a group able to follow his excursions into the music and into the mystic... He has no peer save himself...” Jazzwise

“Mr. Lloyd is a virtuoso… Part immensely controlled and sophisticated…” The New York Times

“A performance that won’t soon be forgotten…” Washington Post

“Spellbinding… few touch the deep source of inquiry into the nature of self as Charles Lloyd…” The San Francisco Chronicle


Duration: Approximately 1 hour 30 minutes, without intermission.

In addition, is offering a 50% discount to the following Jazz Shows (click on a title for more details):


Binyanei Hauma - Jerusalem International Convention Center Zalman Shazar St. 1


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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