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Events in Jerusalem

Passover Day Camp at the Bible Lands Museum

Passover Day Camp at the Bible Lands Museum at 21.03.2010

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Sunday mar 21st

The Bible Lands Museum invites your children to participate in a Passover Day Camp from March 21-28.


All about Springtime:

Exciting activities and creative workshops are just part of the fun! Discover ancient cultures, play games and solve mysteries, in the museum's Passover day-camp.

Ideal for ages 6 to 11.

The camp will take place on March 21st - 25th, and March 28th (Not including Friday & Saturday) from 8:30 - 13:00.
Optional extended day until 16:00.

Contact person:


Open Hours

8:30-13:00. Optional extended day until 16:00.


Granot St. 25


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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