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Events in Jerusalem

Beuys | Kantor: Remembering

Beuys | Kantor: Remembering at 22.05.2012

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Tuesday may 22nd

The Israel Museum presents "Beuys | Kantor: Remembering."

Opening May 22.

Beuys | Kantor: Remembering is a parallel story of the life and work of renowned artists Joseph Beuys (1921-1986) and Tadeusz Kantor (1915-1990). History and the complex relations among Germans, Poles, and Jews are among the topics examined in the first exhibition to present the works of Beuys and Kantor together, which also marks the first time Beuys' work has been showcased in Israel. Focusing on major 20th-century events as they resonate throughout the work of these two artists, the exhibition features some sixty works on loan from public collections, in a variety of mediums including drawing, three dimensional works, and installation, together with films documenting the artists' performance and theatre pieces. Beuys | Kantor: Remembering explores the biographies of both artists, myth, and memory, juxtaposing their works in a way that sheds new light on each. The exhibition is curated by Jaromir Jedlinski, former director of the Muzeum Sztuki, Lodz, under the direction of Suzanne Landau, Yulla and Jacques Lipchitz Chief Curator of the Fine Arts and Landeau Family Curator of Contemporary Art.

Image courtesy of the Israel Museum.

Open Hours

Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday 10:00 to 17:00; Tuesday 16:00 to 21:00; Friday 10:00 to 14:00


Ruppin Rd.

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