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Events in Jerusalem

Kol HaOt Sukkot Artists' Fair at the Inbal Hotel

Kol HaOt Sukkot Artists' Fair at the Inbal Hotel at 16.10.2011

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Sunday oct 16th

The Inbal Hotel hosts "Jerusalem in the Eyes of the Beholder": the Kol HaOt Artists' Fair over Chol HaMoed Sukkot, Oct. 16 & 17, 5:30 pm-10:30 pm.

Come meet artists Archie Granot, Yitzhak Greenfield, Maty Grunberg, David Moss and Yoram Raanan, and hear them talk about their creative process and how Jerusalem influences their art. Both evenings of the fair will include live storytelling performances on "Tales of Jerusalem", in English, at 7:30, 8:30 and 9:30 pm. The short film "Thru Jerusalem" by video artist Kutiman will also be screened.

Admission is free.

Image: detail from Yoram Raanan's Jerusalem Rose, courtesy Kol HaOt.

Open Hours



Jabotinsky St. 3


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