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Events in Jerusalem

Einstein Manuscript Exhibit

Einstein Manuscript Exhibit at 07.03.2010

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Sunday mar 7th

On March 7th a rare and special exhibition of all 46 pages of the original manuscript of the magnum opus of Albert Einstein: the Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity, that he wrote in the year 1916 in his home in Berlin, will take place for the first time in Israel and the world. The exhibit is being held to mark the Jubilee of The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The original manuscript, that he wrote in German, was donated by Albert Einstein to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem on the occasion of its inauguration in 1925.


Visits to the exhibition include a guided tour of about one hour and should be arranged in advance. The number of places is limited. To arrange a visit/tour contact Ms. Rivka Gabriel, Tel: 02-5676222. For information on the exhibition and the Jubilee events of the Academy of Sciences:


Academy of Sciences and Humanities | Jabotinsky Street 43


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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