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Events in Jerusalem

Jerusalem Syndrome 2012: A Celebration of Creativity, Culture, and Community

at 17.05.2012

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Thursday may 17th

The Culture Division of the Jerusalem Municipality, Beit Avi chai, Yad Ben Zvi, and Ginot Hair Community Council present "Jerusalem Syndrome 2012": a Jerusalem Day event that will take place at various places around the Rechavia neighborhood, which aims to show the cultural diversity which exists in the city. Visitors will be exposed to young artists and communities which are active in Jerusalem or use Jerusalem as an inspiration.

Thursday-Friday May 17-18, 2012

Thursday, May 17:

Giraffe Park: "Garden Song"
"Mashiv Haruach" and "Makom Le-shira" lead poetry and singing encounters

Kuzari Park

*Artistic displays and multidisciplinary exhibit by graduates of Bezalel Academy which express the artists' experience of Jerusalem. There will be an interactive graffiti board set up as well.

*Jerusalem Theatre Group: live theatre performance

Yad Ben Zvi:
20:00 and into the night
*Piyyut performance with the Yad Ben Zvi Choir and Paytan Haim Louk
*"Hiloni Yeshiva" hosts "Pashut Sharim" (Simply Singing)
*Sing along with "Hakovah Hahafuch" into the night

Gymnasium School courtyard:
"Salon Shabazi": an area set up like a living room, with stations for musical performances, discussions, literary encounters, an exhibit, and more

Keren Kayemet Street:
*Bazaar and arts fair featuring Jerusalem artists
*lecture about the history of landmarks on the street

Beit Avi Chai
20:00 and into the night
*Food fair featuring Jerusalem specials
*musical event with the best Jerusalemite musicians
*Jacky Levy and friends
*The Incubator: best performances of all time

"House Exteriors" walking tours:
*Walking tours throughout Rechavia featuring unique homes. At each station there will be a guide.

Friday May 18:
*Street party on Azza and Ben Maimon, including a bazaar and arts fair
*Walking tours of houses and personalities in Rechavia


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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