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Events in Jerusalem

BioScapes at the Bloomfield Science Museum

BioScapes at the Bloomfield Science Museum at 01.12.2011

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Thursday dec 1st

The Bloomfield Science Museum presents "BioScapes": a photography exhibit of prize winning photographs. The photographs, which were photographed with a light microscope and won the international Olympus prize in 2010, depict the greatness of wildlife and plants. In this exhibit, they are printed on black slides and lit up with back lighting. In addition to being beautiful, the photographs hold scientific significance and reflect the most updated developments in cell biology.

Open Hours

Monday to Thursday 10:00 to 18:00; Friday 10:00 to 14:00; Saturday 10:00 to 15:00; Sundays closed


Hebrew University, Givat Ram


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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