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Events in Jerusalem

Raising the Curtain 2011

Raising the Curtain 2011 at 08.11.2011

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Tuesday nov 8th

The Jerusalem Theatre presents Raising the Curtain: the Dance Festival of Contemporary artists returns to Jerusalem.

November 8, 2011: Artistic Director: Sahar Azimi. To stretch out human sensation. To move it with your body. To make it meet the space. To hear its voice. Four works by four choreographers searching for depth in movement, a place where the smallest movement moves mountains: Roi Asaf, Noa Tzuk, Doron Raz, Gili Navot

November 9, 2011: Artistic Director: Ronit Ziv. Three choreographers. Three voices. Three unique worlds dealing with the past, future, and present. Osnat Kelner goes in search of the roots of rock ‘n' roll; Hillel Kogan checks the pulse of contemporary dance to make sure it's still "alive", and Rachel Andrews bursts the border and asks: "Have we arrived, will we ever arrive?"

November 10, 2011: Artistic Director: Tamar Borer. Three fascinating works by women choreographers presenting a personal and total dance dealing with psycho-physical situations of the human being. An evening with power, subtlety, and death with choreographers Iris Erez, Maya Briner, and Maya Weinberg.


Marcus St. 20


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