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Events in Jerusalem

Dr. Water Molecule at the Bloomfield Science Museum

Dr. Water Molecule at the Bloomfield Science Museum at 02.10.2010

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Saturday oct 2nd

The Bloomfield Science Museum presents "Dr. Water Molecule": humorous interactive science theatre with Dr. Molecule about the characteristics of water. The show will take place every Saturday at 13:00. During the course of the show, Dr. Molecule sets fire to paper money and the money doesn't burn, pours water on the heads of the children in the audience but it doesn't spill, builds a tower of colors from various liquids, makes dizzying water whirlpools, and more... Written and performed by Uri Weil.

Open Hours

Monday to Thursday 10:00 to 18:00; Friday 10:00 to 14:00; Saturday 10:00 to 15:00; Sundays closed


Hebrew University, Givat Ram


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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