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Events in Jerusalem

My Ideal City

My Ideal City at 20.09.2010

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Monday sep 20th

The Bloomfield Science Museum is proud to be participating in the International initiative "My Ideal City". The project is aimed at exposing science and technology by means of events in Science Museums in four cities around the world to the general public. My Ideal City involves the public in the process of planning an ideal city, thereby enabling more direct communication between science (planning a sustainable city), technology (building a virtual city), city institutions (science museums), and city residents themselves.

The virtual exhibit will allow museum visitors research virtual environments representing the four real cities that are participating in the project.

Visitors will have the option of visiting virtual cities, presented in the exhibit in their most ideal incarnations. This will give visitors the opportunity to think from scratch about their city and what could make it more ideal.

The project involves four cities, each city with its special characteristics. The uniqueness of each city is expressed, among other things, in its architecture, its green spaces, its colors and scents.

The projects will give the participating Science Museums practical experience in multidisciplinary exhibits and activities: virtual environments and urban planning exposure. In order to involve the European community in the discussions and conclusions from the exhibits, there will be an International conference in which experts in virtual surroundings in museums and urban planning will participate.

The project will also encourage cooperation between science museums.

Participating cities and museums include The Tridentino Science Museum and the University of Architecture in Venice of Italy, The Experimentarium Science Museum in Copenhagen (Denmark), The Temple of Knowledge Science Museum in Lisbon (Portugal), and the Bloomfield Science Museum in Jerusalem.

Open Hours

Monday to Thursday 10:00 to 18:00; Friday 10:00 to 14:00; Saturday 10:00 to 15:00; Sundays closed


Hebrew University, Givat Ram


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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