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Events in Jerusalem

Musrara School End of Year Exhibit

Musrara School End of Year Exhibit at 15.07.2010

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Thursday jul 15th

The Musrara School's end of the year exhibit will take place from July 15-30, 2010. Click here to download the exhibit catalogue (in Hebrew). Twenty five students that completed three years of study will display their solo exhibits within the halls of the of the school. The students' artwork examines their personal identity and relates to the Israeli and International reality today. The exhibits reflect different outlooks of artistic representation in the spirit of the different departments of the school and in the spirit of the difference between each and every student. The exhibit includes musical content, animated and computerized film, video and sound displays, and the many faces of photography: mixed media, black and white photography, color photography, documentary and staged photography, and more. Themes of the artwork include intimacy and couples in private and in public, on the sidelines and in the center, in documented transformations, in isolation and in community, in one's personal space and in the critical eye of the public.

Participants: Magdalena Dafner, Yaniv Tor, Tur Lakultor, Yael Barnet, Orshia Levy Wardy, Yael Gal, David Hirschfield, Yotam Vazana, Tamar Tzohar, Chen Wagshal, Or Avraham, Yair Moss, Miki Alon, Shai Diamant, Amir Bolzman, Uri Penzias, Tomer Avraham, Yaniv Peres, Ohad Zarihan, Dan Tennenbaum, Olga Vinocour Racknizer, Shachar Abramovitz, Hagai Hodeda, Claudio Koniov.

Events will take place at the Musrara School: Haayin Het 9 Jerusalem, and in the courtyard, and in the Musrara Community Center: Shivtei Yisrael 22

Special Events:

Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 19:30: Music and Animation: 19:30-Shai Diamant in concert | 20:00-Animation department students final project films | 20:45-"Surrealism in Animation: David Linz, Susan Pete, and more. Lecture by Chen Sheinberg.

July 29, 2010 at 19:30: Photography workshop and live concert. The workshop will be taught by Musrara School Graduates. 21:00: Concert by the graduates of the department for new music.






Open Hours

Sunday-Thursday 11:00-22:30, Friday: 11:00-15:00


Musrara School: Haayin Het 9 Jerusalem | Musrara Community Center: Shivtei Yisrael 22


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