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Jerusalem restaurants category

Shipudei Hagefen Restaurant

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Price Range



Even though it's wedged between the winding European-esque alleys of Nachlaot and the transplanted shtetls of Geulah and Meah She'arim, the neighborhood around the Machane Yehuda market is an unvarnished slice of Middle Eastern living – which makes the neighborhood's main thoroughfare Agrippas Street the best place in town to sample authentic Middle Eastern Jewish/Israeli delicacies. Nothing says ochel mizrachi (Middle Eastern food) like shipudim (skewered meats), and Israelis ranging from humble workingmen to celebrity members of the Knesset have been enjoying them at Shipudei Hagefen for years.

Located a couple minutes' walk down Agrippas from the shuk, and distinguished by a large neon blue sign reading Mehagefen ("from the vine"), Shipudei Hagefen serves a familiar menu of shipudim made with chicken, pargiyot (spring chicken), beef, lamb and more, as well as a full menu of accompanying salads (hummus, techina, etc.) and a proudly-advertised free pitcher of lemonade with every meal. It's often filled with tour groups.

  • Kosher

Opening hours

Sunday to Thursday, 12:00 to midnight; Friday and Saturday by group reservation only

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