, pub-8459711595536957, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Jerusalem restaurants category

Modus Cafe

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Every city needs a night cafe, the kind of place where you can gather forces before (or recoup your losses after) a night of bar hopping, all over a pastry and a cup of coffee. Cafe Modus admirably fills that niche in Jerusalem.


Located down the street from its venerable King George Street cafe rival Ta'amon, Modus has the kind of bookish atmosphere and note-perfect décor that you seek in an indie coffee shop: soft lighting, a window bar, intimate tables, a generous newspaper rack and a lot of tasteful dark wood. Modus, not content with serving the same espressos and macchiatos as the ubiquitous Aromas, Hillels and Coffee Shops of Israel, features an extensive selection of different kinds of coffee arranged in jars behind the counter, not to mention a more than satisfactory liquor selection for those times when caffeine just isn't enough. Modus may be the only cafe in downtown Jerusalem which serves a proper Irish coffee, in addition to several other coffee-and-booze combinations.

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