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Jerusalem restaurants category

Menorah Cafe

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Someone spending time in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City might understandably be led to believe that Jews are like Hindus, religiously inclined towards vegetarianism – of the Jewish Quarter's kosher restaurants, the vast majority are dairy, and therefore meat-free. Menorah, a typical Jerusalem dairy restaurant situated above the Cardo, the ancient main street of Roman Jerusalem, is so-named for an until-recently nearby Cardo artifact: an ornate reproduction of the menorah (candelabrum) from the destroyed Jewish Temple (the original was carted away as booty to Rome and vanished from history), painstakingly constructed from solid gold according to Jewish law and ready for service should the Temple be rebuilt, an eventuality religious Jews pray for daily.


The restaurant isn't quite as interesting as its namesake, but it serves the standard menu of soups, giant salads, sandwiches, pastas, drinks, desserts and more to the hungry, kosher-abiding modern-day pilgrims of the Jewish Quarter.

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