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Jerusalem tours category

Hasmonean Aqueduct Tour In Armon Hanatziv

Hasmonean Aqueduct Tour In Armon Hanatziv


  • Hasmonean Aqueduct Tour In Armon Hanatziv

Hasmonean Aqueduct Tour In Armon Hanatziv

More than two thousand years ago, two long and magnificent aqueducts were constructed to bring water from the Pools of Solomon (near Bethlehem) to the Temple.

Guests will enjoy incredible views of Ancient Jerusalem from various key vantage points along the Armon Hanatziv Promenade and discuss the importance of the water system that Herod built south of Jerusalem. Illuminated only by flashlights, we will descend deep underground to explore the remnants of the Lower Aqueduct and discover the historical significance of these mighty water works.

Essential Information 


  • The aqueduct is dry. Water no longer flows through it.


  • The tour is fun and challenging and appropriate for those that enjoy walking.


  • Not recommended for claustrophobic individuals or pregnant women


  • Baby carriers are not permitted.


  • Flashlights are necessary. (They can be purchased onsite)


Hebrew Guided tours: This tour takes place in Hebrew only

For more information call 02-626-8700 |


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