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Time Elevator Jerusalem

Welcome to Time Elevator Jerusalem

Group Booking

Time Elevator Jerusalem - Take an amazing trips: A journey to the hidden secrets of Jerusalem, journey into and an exciting journey to the wonders of the past, the present and the future of Israel's capital.


Additional Information

Safety First! – For pregnant women and those suffering from back problems motion sickness, dizziness or heart problems, our attraction contains 6 special stationary seats in addition to our 98 motion based seats.


- The Time Elevator is an attraction for the entire family (for visitors over the age of 5).

- Visitors must arrive 15 minutes prior to show time to watch an introductory film reviewing safety instructions.


The attraction is open daily: Sunday through Thursday -10:00 am-5pm.

It is imperative to book in advance


Location: the time elevator is set in the heart of the Elrov Mamila Avenue 

6 Kariv st.Mamila Mall- in the indoor mall



For Reservations:

Tel: +972-2-6248381 

Fax: +972-2-6252228 

E-mail: [email protected]


The Time Elevator has become an essential part of any tour of Jerusalem.


  • Air conditioning
  • Kids friendly


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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