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Deciding upon the definite locations of key events in Christ's life, especially those of the Passion, has been a source of controversy within Christianity since at least the fourth century CE, when Constantine's mother Helena went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, seeking out the places in Jerusalem where Jesus had preached, suffered, died and risen again. But while debates like the one over the location of the cave in which Jesus was entombed continue to rage, one major New Testament site's location has been universally agreed upon - because it's still there.
The Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus was betrayed by his disciple Judas, still sprawls across the foot of the Mount of Olives, much as it ostensibly did during those fateful days 2,000 years ago. The name is a Greek corruption of the Aramaic for "oil press," a moniker suggestive of the many olive trees which dot the slopes of the Mount of Olives and constitute the bulk of the garden's flora. Sprouting up from amongst the trees are many of Jerusalem's most prominent churches, including the architecturally impressive Church of All Nations and the Russian Church of Mary Magdalene, as well as Pater Noster and Dominus Flevit. Much of the garden is church property and inaccessible to the tourist on a stroll, but visitors to the churches can enjoy the gardens to their full extent.
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