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Beit Avi Chai venue

Beit Avi Chai

Beit avi chai Events at 17.06.2024

Until 31.07.2024


In English | Sunday | July 7 | 7pm (12pm EDT) | zoom

Life and History in Israel through Virtual Tours

Ami Braun

The Jordan Valley


This four-part series will take us to different parts of Israel in which meaningful historical events in early Jewish History took place.  Historical or imaginary figures will come to life based on historical research and archaeological findings, and through them the story of the land will be told.

 The Jordan Valley


Our tour will begin with the story of the crossing of the Jordan river at Qasr al-Yahud, down in the Jordan Valley. We will continue to follow the Biblical narrative by visiting the Footstep and other archeological sites in the area. We will leave the Jordan Valley for a stop at Joshua's altar atop Mount Ebal to discuss the blessings and curses associated with this region.



In English | Sunday | July 14 | 7pm (12pm EDT) | zoom

Life and History in Israel through Virtual Tours

Ami Braun

The Judean Desert


This four-part series will take us to different parts of Israel in which meaningful historical events in early Jewish History took place.  Historical or imaginary figures will come to life based on historical research and archaeological findings, and through them the story of the land will be told.

The Judean Desert

Our desert visit will begin by meeting the local High Priest in Qumran. We will continue by exploring the caves that make up the archaeological site. We will learn about the daily life of the people of the Qumran sect, their beliefs and tensions with the outside world through archaeological artifacts and study of the Dead Sea Scrolls.



In English | Sunday | July 21 | 7pm (12pm EDT) | zoom

Life and History in Israel through Virtual Tours

Ami Braun



This four-part series will take us to different parts of Israel in which meaningful historical events in early Jewish History took place.  Historical or imaginary figures will come to life based on historical research and archaeological findings, and through them the story of the land will be told.



Rabbi Akiva is a well-known figure in Jewish texts. We will follow his footsteps through the ruins of Caesarea, especially the Hippodrome, where Rabbi Akiva's life ended. We will crawl through the Bar Kochva caves to uncover his role in the rebellion against the Romans.



In English | Sunday | July 28 | 7pm (12pm EDT) | zoom

Life and History in Israel through Virtual Tours

Ami Braun



This four-part series will take us to different parts of Israel in which meaningful historical events in early Jewish History took place.  Historical or imaginary figures will come to life based on historical research and archaeological findings, and through them the story of the land will be told.



Rabbi Yehuda Hanasi, spiritual leader of the Jewish people and editor of the Mishnah, spent his life in the Galilee. In Tzipori we will see the beautiful mosaics in what may have been the home of the Rabbi and will visit an ancient synagogue. After enjoying the view, we will end our tour at the ancient burial site in Bet She'arim, with its burial caves and sarcophagi.



The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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