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Events in Jerusalem

I Flee from You to You: From Longing to New Hope with the Giants of Piyyut

at 03.07.2013

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Wednesday jul 3rd

Beit Avi Chai presents "I Flee from You to You: From Longing to New Hope with the Giants of Piyyut"

Today, piyyutim fuel nostalgia for distant roots. But when they were written, the yearning they embody served as an ecstatic force, where the text arouses and evokes a connection with God.
Scholars, poets, rabbis and artists take a look at four of the leading poets of Jewish Spain and its exiles, each of whom, coined a different metaphor for the yearning for God and expressed the longing for union in his own unique way.

Meetings about art that created faith and gave hope to generation after generation

Series editor: Guy Biran

Direction and vocals: Rabbi David Menachem

1: Israel Najara: "Shuvi at ve-ani ashuva" (You return and I will return)

Wednesday, July 3, 8:30 PM

The longing between a man and a woman-the tension between masculinity and femininity as a metaphor for the aspiration for a link between Heaven and Earth

Poet Shelly Elkayam, director Guy Biran
Vocals: Nitzan Bernstein and Michal Lotan (from the show I'll Move like a Drunkard)

2: Judah Halevi: "Hamahziqim be-shulayikh" (Those who hold on to your train)

Wednesday, July 10, 8:30 PM

Pining for the Holy Land-on the desire for an emotional, sensory, and spiritual revelation that transcends the intellect

Rabbi Uri Sherki
Poet and scholar of medieval poetry, Ariel Zinder
Poet Eliaz Cohen
Vocals: Rabbi David Menachem

3: Abraham Ibn Ezra: "Betzeti mi-yerushalayim" (When I left Jerusalem)

Wednesday, July 17, 8:30 PM
The Secret of Wholeness: the Individual's aspiration to Unity

Poet and scholar Prof. Haviva Pedaya
Prof. Israel Levine, Israel Prize laureate

Vocals: Avi Belali; Oud: Eliyahu Degami

4: Solomon Ibn Gabirol "Darashti qirvatekha, haqriveini" (I sought your closeness, draw me close)

Wednesday, July 24, 8:30 PM
On the aspiration for physical and metaphysical wholeness

Dr. Avraham Elkayam and Sheikh Hassan Mansara, co-founder of "the Way of Abraham."
Vocals: Maureen Nehedar

Admission: NIS 40, students: NIS 20; NIS 120 for the series

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


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