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Events in Jerusalem

Moonlight Cinema In the Beit Avi Chai Courtyard (July 2013)

at 24.08.2013

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Saturday aug 24th

Moonlight Cinema in the Beit Avi Chai Courtyard: Four funny films made by Jews, which expose Jewish life in America from different perspectives.

Editor and Moderator: Or Sigoli, Srita movie blog, Akhbar Ha'Ir Online

Admission: NIS 30; students: NIS 20

The Producers

Mel Brooks, 1968

Saturday night, July 27, 10 PM

On the world of New York theatre producers and on the fine line between good and bad-between the incredibly bad play and the hit play that cracked everyone up by trying to seem incredibly bad.
This film is the source of the successful Broadway musical (also staged by the Cameri Theatre) and the 2005 remake.

Barton Fink

The Coen Brothers, 1991

Saturday night, August 3, 10 PM

Through breathtaking visuals, the Coen Brothers create a surrealistic nightmare that attacks the Hollywood scene. This is the story of a brilliant playwright who works for a Hollywood company controlled by a crude producer, and how his life turns into a surrealistic horror story.
Barton Fink won the Best Film, Best Director, and Best Actor prizes at the 1991 Cannes Film Festival.


Woody Allen, 1983

Saturday night, August 17, 10 PM

Leonard Zelig (Allen), the protagonist of this fictional documentary, is a human chameleon. In New Orleans he can be a black jazz musician, in a Hassidic community he can be a kollel fellow, and at a Nazi party conference he can become a German officer. When sent to a psychiatrist, he immediately becomes a psychiatrist and falls in love with her.
A fictitious story about a fictitious character that has become a cultural hero with a cult following-as befits America.

The Hebrew Hammer

Jonathan Kesselman, 2003

Saturday night, August 24, 10 PM

An original comedy that will make you laugh till you cry, about a Jew who decides to join forces with a black Muslim in order to fight the evil Santa Claus who wants to wipe out Hanukkah.
The "Hebrew Hammer" is Mordechai Jefferson Carver, who, after being the victim of antisemitism in his youth, grows up to become a muscular fighter who goes out to do battle with Santa Claus, accompanied by his black Muslim friends. And, as in every good comedy, there is also a happy ending. 


King George St. 44


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