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Events in Jerusalem

Between Calendars: The Chamber Version

at 13.02.2011

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Sunday feb 13th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Between Calendars: The Chamber Version."

Thursday, February 10, 8:30 PM
Sunday, February 13, 8:30 PM

Based on the book by Netiva Ben-Yehuda

An intimate, chamber rendition of the play Bein ha-Sefirot (Between Calendars), staged in conjunction with the Ruth Kanner Theatre Group. The play won the 2009 Golden Hedgehog (Fringe Theater) awards for Best Play, Adaptation for the Stage, and Actress of the Year (Naomi Yoeli).

"The very particular story of a 19-year-old, from the field and from the dust of the earth in 1948" (Netiva Ben-Yehuda, 1948: Bein Hasefirot [Keter, 1981]). Netiva Ben-Yehuda, a Palmah veteran and author, is immersed in the traumatic events of the beginning of the War of Independence, while also observing them from a more objective perspective. Through her story, we discover the pain of an entire society as it moves, with no solution in sight, between the ritual-idealistic pole of the "precious homeland" and the collective shell shock that won't let up.

The play will be followed by a discussion with clinical psychologist Avner Hacohen on personal shell shock and on Israelis as a shocked society.

Acting: Naomi Yoeli / Music: Yossi Mar Haim / Video: Lior Lerman, Ayelet Lerman, Johnathan Shohet / Costumes: Shirly Gal-Segev / Lighting: Uri Rubinstein / Design and photographic installation: Hadas Ophrat / Artistic advisor: Ruth Kanner / Management: Idan Herzon / Production and marketing: Revital Malka

"An exemplary Israeli play ... Naomi is one of the most original artists around today .... an absolute must-see" (Shai Bar Yaacov, Yedioth Ahronoth)

"A fascinating, heartrending theatrical event ... a tremendous story" (Eitan Bar-Yosef, Akhbar Ha'ir)

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44


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