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Events in Jerusalem

Touching What Isn't There

at 06.09.2011

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Tuesday sep 6th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Touching What isn't There": A journey to the world of Rivka Miriam's poetry.

Two performances in the upgraded P7 hall:
~ Tuesday, September 6, 8:30 PM

Poetess Rivka Miriam is considered by many to have of the strongest, most original, and emotionally charged voices in Hebrew poetry today. Baruch Brener, actor and singer, and Rali Margalit, cellist and composer, set out on a musical and theatrical journey to the deepest secrets of Rivka Miriam's poetry, with its various times, figures, places, and worlds.

Baruch Brener-vocals, acting, and staging
Rali Margralit-music, musical direction, and cellhu (ethnic cello)
Ora Horev-contrabass, Jacob Miron-winds, Yoni Sharon-percussion

Admission: NIS 40, students: NIS 20


King George St. 44

Near Touching What Isn't There

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