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Events in Jerusalem

Beit Avi Chai Presents Endless Music

at 25.09.2011

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Sunday sep 25th

Endless Music:  New arrangements of Israeli classics


The best of Israeli music with stirring and fascinating arrangements


Each show includes a musical encounter with Daniel Zamir and leading Israeli musicians.


Admission: NIS 70, students: NIS 30

The concert will take place in the BEIT AVI CHAI courtyard.


* Warm attire is recommended


Part 1: Danny Sanderson


Wednesday, August 10, 20:30


In a joint concert, Daniel Zamir and Danny Sanderson perform fresh arrangements of Sanderson's songs.


Part 2: Talma Alyagon Rose


Wednesday, August 24, 20:30


Daniel Zamir performs new arrangements of songs by the composer and poet Talma Alyagon Rose, accompanied by a unique female ensemble.


Galia Hai, viola; Karni Postel, cello; Tamar Eisenman, guitar


Guest: Shlomo Gronich


Part 3: Hadudaim


Sunday, September 25, 20:30


Daniel Zamir with Israel Gurion and Asaf Amdurski perform new arrangements of the famous and beloved songs by the Dudaim. 


Beit Avi Chai King George St. 44

Near Beit Avi Chai Presents Endless Music

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