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Events in Jerusalem

The Haggadah in Pictures

The Haggadah in Pictures at 08.04.2011

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Friday apr 8th

Beit Avi Chai presents "The Haggadah in Pictures": Two sessions about midrash and art in honor of Passover.

With: Rabbi Tamar Duvdevani (lecturer in rabbinic literature) and Ela Arazi (lecturer in biblical art).

Exodus from Egypt

~Friday, April 1, 10AM

The tale of the Exodus is a core topic in Jewish culture and tradition. Passover celebrates the redemption from slavery and carries with it the hope for the complete redemption that has yet to occur. Join us for a new take on the story of redemption, through artistic works and texts, ancient and modern.

The Four Sons

~Friday, April 8, 10 AM

The midrash of the "four sons" is one of the most well known and beloved parts of the Passover Haggadah. Who are these four sons? Are they different characters or are they four different sides of a person? We will explore the sources for this midrash and the way in which artists and scholars have interpreted it from the talmudic age through the present.

The sessions will be held in the "Ot-tmuna" format.

Admission: NIS 40, students: NIS 20

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44


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