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Events in Jerusalem

Beit Avi Chai Presents Times: Jerusalem Syndrome

Beit Avi Chai Presents Times: Jerusalem Syndrome at 02.06.2011

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Thursday jun 2nd

A Jerusalem cultural festival into the night: when the parades of Yom Yerushalaim finish, the party begins!


Times:  Jerusalem Syndrome kicks off at 21:00.


Poetry: Poetry and beer in the capital with members of the Ktovet group

Journalism: Jerusalem in the headlines - scoops that put Jerusalem in the center

Moderator: Yair Ettinger

Cinema: "Through the Lens" - a collection of student films related to Jerusalem (Sam Spiegel and Ma'ale schools)

Moderator: Ron Ofer

Stage Productions: "Joking Around" - the Incubator group hosts artists and stand-up comedians who make fun of Jerusalem; Admission: NIS 30, students NIS 20


Music: Daniel Zamir hosts young Jerusalemite artists; Admission: NIS 30, students NIS 20


Animation: A collection of student films from the Animation Department at Bezalel, organized and moderated by Asher Selah


Food: Specialties of the house from the best restaurants in Jerusalem, all in the BEIT AVI CHAI courtyard


Shopping: A sale of products designed by Bezalel students

Special price: NIS 50 for the Music & Stage Production events.

More details will be available on our website and in the newspapers closer to the date of the event.


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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