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Events in Jerusalem

The Stage One Festival at Beit Avi Chai - Day 3 - April 22, 2011

The Stage One Festival at Beit Avi Chai - Day 3 - April 22, 2011 at 22.04.2011

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Friday apr 22nd

Beit Avi Chai and Merkaz Hamagshimim Hadassah present Stage One #2: Amateur English Theater Festival

Jerusalem, Passover, 2011 | April 20-22, 2011

During Passover 2011, Beit Avi Chai, in collaboration with Merkaz Hamagshimim Hadassah, is devoting three days to the very best of Jerusalem English-language Theater, shining a spotlight on this thriving subculture while offering a unique perspective on issues of identity and culture from both the local and international perspectives.

Artistic Director of the Festival: Rafi Poch


Day 3: Friday April 22, 2011



The Maccabee Queen
11:30 AM
Alexandra of Judea (Shlomzion HaMalka) ruled as the last queen of the independent kingdom of Judea. She and her ally, Cleopatra III of Egypt, lived in an epic era, full of conflicts that echo down to the present in this fast-moving, action-packed tale of an important - and little known - period of history.
Written & Directed by: Lauri Donahue

The Pianist
12 PM
This is the story of a Polish-Jewish musician struggling to survive the destruction of the Warsaw ghetto during World War II. The 'Encore!' adaptation is based on Szpilman's book and excerpts from the diary of the German officer who saved him.
Stage director: Robert Binder | Musical director: Paul Salter | Actor: Daniel Shapiro
Encore! Educational Theatre Company

Fable of the Goat
9:30 AM
The Agnon House presents a play based on a story by S.Y. Agnon.
Agnon uses language to evoke pathos, humor and biblical narrative in this dramatic story.
While the story line can be appreciated by children, the deeper level of complexity will be understood by mature audiences.
Director: Eli Kaplan-Wildmann

Sabbath Variations: The Splendor of Space
9:30 AM
Created by: "24/6: A Jewish Theater Company" from NY City.
A wild and imaginative evening of six short theatrical variations which explore people in confined spaces confronting spirituality as a response to the excess of modern industrial society.
The original short plays are based on the Talmudic story of Shimon Bar-Yochai as recounted and interpreted by Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel in his classic book "The Sabbath: Its Meaning for Modern Man."



The Jerusalem Barbershop Ensemble - 11 AM



Theater: 50 NIS, students: 20 NIS
Stand-Up: 30 NIS, students: 20 NIS
Music: admission free, subject to available space
Special prices and package deals & more information:


King George St. 44


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