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Events in Jerusalem

The Kaiser is coming: A Series of Meetings and Guided Tours - What Was He Really Looking for Here?

The Kaiser is coming: A Series of Meetings and Guided Tours - What Was He Really Looking for Here? at 16.11.2012

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Friday nov 16th

The Tower of David Museum presents "The Kaiser is coming! A City in Change": A series of meetings and guided tours in English and in Hebrew

Friday 16.11.12 - 11:00 "What was he really looking for here?"

Professor Haim Goren discusses hidden motives of the Kaiser's visit. Followed by a visit to the exhibition.
Price: Adult - 50 NIS Senior Citizen/Student 40 NIS

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


Please book in advance for tours in both Hebrew and English.

Further information on all events : as well as Facebook " ????? ?????? ???? - Kaiser Wilhelm II"

Images by Ron Peled.

Open Hours

September-June: Sunday-Thursday 10:00-16:00, Friday: closed, Holiday eves, holidays, and Shabbat: 10:00-14:00. July-August: Sunday-Wednesday and Shabbat: 10:00-17:00, Thursday: 10:00-18:00 (19:30 June-August), Friday: 10:00-14:00


Jaffa Gate


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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