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Events in Jerusalem

She Came and Went

She Came and Went at 30.10.2010

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Saturday oct 30th

Beit Avi Chai presents "She Came and Went": A new encounter with Dalia Ravikovitch.

A performance of the poet's well-known poems, set to music by Chava Alberstein, Shem Tov Levi, Matti Caspi, Yehudit Ravitz, and others, along with new tunes written specially for this concert, and short stories and personal experiences told by the poet's son, Ido kalir.

With: Dalia Shimko, Ido kalir, Nitzan Eshel, Niv Kaufman, Odelya More-Matalon / Alon Azizi- double bass / Musical arrangements and new tunes: Niv Kaufman

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44


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