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Jerusalem attractions category

Bezalel Arts Fair


Every Friday, dozens of artists display their wares at the Bezalel Arts Fair


The fair takes place every Friday in the city center from 10:00-16:00. The fair, which is spread between the Schatz pedestrian mall, Bezalel St. and the Schieber Park & "The Horse Garden", is an arts, culture, and social fair meant to give a chance for artists to show their work and have direct contact with the public. 


The fair began in the fall of 2009, and quickly expanded and gained itself a steady and ever growing crowd of visitors, as well as built up a tight knit community of artists, and quickly turned into a new Jerusalem tradition, full of life. The colorful fair displays a wide variety of hand made items including textiles, wood, glass, drawings, metals, photography, design. Music and and street performers can often be found at the fair as well.


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