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Events in Jerusalem

Ariel Horowitz: My Heroes (October 23, 2013)

at 23.09.2013

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Monday sep 23rd

Beit Avi Chai presents "Ariel Horowitz: My Heroes": A new performance based on the celebrated Israeli's sixth album

Wednesday, Oct. 23, 9:00 PM

My Heroes is very unique, with most of the songs dedicated to figures who touched Horowitz and became his heroes: from partisan fighter Abba Kovner, to Jamil, the nurse in the Intensive Care Unit, and then to his mother, famed songwriter Naomi Shemer. Combining his renditions with his well-known and popular songs, Horowitz creates a collage of fascinating stories, leading audiences on a musical odyssey through our fascinating country

In P7

Admission: NIS 50, students NIS 20

Live stream on the BEIT AVI CHAI website

Image of Ariel Horwitz by Yifat Golan.


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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