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Events in Jerusalem

Rebetiko for the Soul (October 9, 2013)

at 09.10.2013

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Wednesday oct 9th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Rebetiko for the Soul": The songs of Stella Haskil and other classic Rebetiko music.

Wednesday, Oct. 9, 8:30 PM

The greatest Greek composers wrote songs for her, becoming classics still performed in rebetiko clubs throughout Greece. It is has often been said that when Stella sang, a dry eye wasn't left in the house.

This evening is dedicated to the lyrics and songs of the Jewish singer Stella Haskil (1918-1954), one of the greatest artistes ever in the rebetiko style-the soul music of Greece.

The festive concert will be headlined by Theodora Athanasiou, one of the leading performers of Greek ethnic music today, together with Tomer Katz. They will be accompanied by students from the rebetiko seminar that took place in Jerusalem.

Theodora Athanasiou, vocals, guitar and lavta (a Greek plucked instrument)
Tomer Katz (Perach Adom band): bouzouki, oud and vocals
Ira Shiran, accordion
Moshe Vatouri, qanun
Johanna Ritmuller, violin
Omer Lahav, percussion


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