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Events in Jerusalem

Songs in Ladino, Romances, and Piyyutim from Home (June 11, 2013)

at 11.06.2013

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Tuesday jun 11th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Songs in Ladino, Romances, and Piyyutim from Home": Guy and Roi Zuaretz and the Mediterranean Orchestra of Ashqelon 

Tuesday, June 11, 8 PM

Actor and TV anchor Guy Zuaretz and his brother Roi in a concert of Ladino songs from their grandmother's home in Salonika and piyyutim from their grandfather's Sephardi Tripolitanian synagogue.

Favorite romances and piyyutim are interwoven into the family's story, from the time of the Expulsion from Spain to its immigration to Israel, in a rich, unique performance accompanied by the Mediterranean Andalusian Orchestra of Ashqelon.

With: The Mediterranean Orchestra of Ashqelon and
Guy Zuaretz-vocals / Roi Zuaretz-piano and arrangements
Itai Tevel-conductor. Produced and directed by Eli Greenfield

Admission: NIS 60; students: NIS 30.

In the BEIT AVI CHAI courtyard. Warm attire recommended.


King George St. 44


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