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Events in Jerusalem


at 03.07.2013

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Wednesday jul 3rd

The Biblical Zoo and BEIT AVI CHAI present "Noah's Got the Power:" A new play for the whole family

The show will take place on Wednesdays, at 5:45 & 6:30 PM, on the following dates: July 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31, August 7, 14 and 21

The countdown has begun. The rain has started to come down in a drizzle-in a moment it will turn into a flood.

Noah, a world-renowned inventor, receives a commission: build the ark.

Noah has a nasty neighbor-a crow who is a nosy thief. Can the two rivals work together to save the world?

How does Noah become an animal enthusiast and an environmental activist?
The play melds traditional stories, imagination, and lots of responsibility for the world.

Direction and production: Brachi Lifschitz; actors: Sarit Zusman and Eran Kraus.

The play's premiere is one of the events to mark the zoo's 20th anniversary, under the motto: "A Single Fabric: Human and Animal," as part of the Israel Festival.


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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