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Events in Jerusalem

Avi ve-Imi (My Father and My Mother) (June 6, 2013)

at 06.06.2013

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Thursday jun 6th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Avi ve-Imi (My Father and My Mother)": Special event for the launch of Aharon Appelfeld's New Book

Thursday, June 6, 8 PM

Aharon Appelfeld's new novel takes us back to the magical district of his childhood, the River Prut and the Carpathian Mountains, where he vacations with his parents in the summer before World War II-a month that will be forever etched on his heart.

My Father and My Mother is told through the eyes of a child who observes the wonders of nature and human relationships. This multidimensional book is written in the tradition of the great European novels.

This is a Hebrew-language only event.
The program includes:
Opening remarks by Appelfeld's editor, Prof. Yigal Schwartz
Dror Mishani talks with the author Aharon Appelfeld

Admission free, subject to available space. Tickets available from 7 PM (one ticket per person).
In the BEIT AVI CHAI cafeteria - Dessert and a hot drink available for a special price of NIS 29.


King George St. 44


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