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Events in Jerusalem

at 26.06.2013

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Wednesday jun 26th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Judah is a Lion's Whelp": The story of a journey from Ethiopia to Israel

Wednesday, June 26, 8:30 PM

A one-man show based on the life story of the Ethiopian-Israeli actor Shai Fredo (Ashto). The play opens with the pastoral life in Ethiopia that Fredo knew as a child-full of joie de vivre, in a place where the concept of time had a different meaning. It continues with an account of his dangerous trek through the Sudan, life in a refugee camp, and the toll exacted by the journey, and culminates with the protagonist's struggle to come to grips with life in Israel.

Shai Fredo-playwright and actor
Danil Borovin-director
Ehud Goldbart-music

Admission: NIS 50, students: NIS 20, in P7
Duration: approximately one hour, followed by a conversation with the actor and playwright, Shai Fredo

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44


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