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Events in Jerusalem

Beit Avi Chai's Slaughtering the Cow at Beit Mazia: Emergency Call-up Order (May-June 2013)

at 04.06.2013

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Tuesday jun 4th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Slaughtering the Cow - Kosher Slaughter": A Biting and Witty Satire executed with Finesse

Tuesdays at Beit Mazia, 9 PM

Yair Lehman, Inbal Lori, Eli Haviv, and guests

Emergency Call-up Order (Tzav 8) * New

Do we serve in the army or does it serve us? What is a people's army, and what people serve in it-filling up our buses on Sundays? The cow dons an army uniform and immediately sets up a commission of inquiry.


Beit Mazia: Mesilat Yesharim 18 | Beit Avi Chai: King George St. 44


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