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Events in Jerusalem

A New Song: Midrash and Rock 'n' Roll

at 26.08.2013

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Monday aug 26th

Beit Avi Chai presents "A New Song": Midrash and Rock 'n Roll

A fascinating and animated dialogue between Israeli rock and classic Jewish literature.

A study and analysis of the songs of top Israeli artists, based on the Talmud and Aggadah, on several topics-including freedom and liberty, yearning and anticipation, and faith and art.

Moderator: Jacky Levy

Roni Shweka-Academic Talmud scholar, author of New Song: Essays on Israeli Rock Songs

Session 1: I have a golden bird in a cage and it doesn't sing

Monday, June 10, 8:30 PM

Freedom, slavery, and poetic license
With: Alma Zohar and Daniella Spector

Future Sessions:

Session 2

Tuesday, July 23, 8:30 PM

With: Rona Kenan and David Lavi

Session 3

Monday, August 26, 8:30 PM

With: Aviv Gedj and Yehu Yaron

Admission: NIS 50, students: NIS 20

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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