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Events in Jerusalem

Beit Avi Chai Presents The Creature

at 23.06.2011

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Thursday jun 23rd

Adapted for the stage from the story by Shalom Aleichem, Beit Avi Chai presents two performance of "The Creature."

The play will be performed twice:
Thursday, June 23, 20:30
Sunday, June 26, 20:30

A touching story about a boy from a Jewish town in his first encounter with the exciting and challenging forces of social outcasts, sexuality, and death. A story about a society trapped in its fears that banishes from its midst all manifestations of difference. 

Humor and pain, the two main elements of Shalom Aleichem's work, are very prominent in "The Creature," which is one of his most disturbing and revealing stories.

After the show there will be a discussion with its creators about the process of adapting the story for the stage.

"Done with great skill ... Nuanced and moving performances by all the actors ... Surrealistic situations on stage ... a fantasy about Eros and death." Sarit Fuchs, Maariv

The play was first performed at the Seminar HaKibbutzim School of Performing Arts and won the Fringe Award for production and adaptation in 2010.

Based on: Shalom Aleichem, influenced by Benny Mor's translation

Production and adaptation: Yaron Edelstein and Tal Brenner / Set and costumes: Gili Cochavi / Music and piano: Yuval Shapira / Lighting: Jake Sliv

Actors: Zlil-hen Saks, the creature; Jonathan Magon; Eyal Cioban, Lior Hasson, Roi Doron; Anat Eizik, Michal Shapira

Admission: NIS 60; students: NIS 30


Beit Avi Chai King George St. 44


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