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Events in Jerusalem

Beit Avi Chai Presents The Anthology

at 15.05.2011

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Sunday may 15th

On Thursday, May 12 at 20:30 and Sunday, May 15 at 20:30, Beit Avi presents "The Anthology", a play in the present.


Zalma Greenwald, a Holocaust survivor, just as alive and kicking as always, plays the piano and forces her son to be the second generation in contemporary conflict-ridden Israel. This original and novel stage production changes in front of the audience and makes everyone laugh even when it hurts.


With: Smadar Yaaron and Moni Yosef


Smadar Yaaron won first place with this play in the 1999 Duo-Artist Festival in Tel Aviv


"A moment of grace ... Semadar has magic powers," Elyakim Yaron, Maariv


"A play with penetrating force," Hamburg, Germany

"Hypnotic actors who use playful humor to convey essential material..." La Marseillaise, France

Admission: NIS 60; students: NIS 30


Beit Avi Chai King George St. 44


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