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Events in Jerusalem

Nobody's Child

at 30.01.2011

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Sunday jan 30th

Beit Avi Chai presents Nobody's Child

Thursday, January 27, 8:30 PM
Sunday, January 30, 8:30 PM

Based on the book by Zipi Gon-Gross

Racheli is coping with her mother's death by writing a one-woman play about her parents, in which she will play herself. Together with her director friend, she revisits their lives in the shtetl of Dubno, Poland, their experience hiding out during the Holocaust, the family they created, the breakup of their home, and the impossible separation-a separation that involves soul-searching, a feeling of missing out, and lots of love.

The play will be followed by a conversation with actress Esti Zakheim and author Zipi Gon-Gross whose book forms the basis for the play.

Acting: Esti Zakheim
Adaptation for the stage and directing: Ben Zion Idissis
Music editor: Shai Ben Yaacov
Assistant director: Efrat Steinlauf
Lighting design: Netta Koren

"Zakheim is amazing.... From the very first moment, she forges a direct connection with the audience by virtue of the tremendous energy that she radiates, and also by virtue of a rare degree of honesty. At the end, when she sings a Yiddish lullaby softly, she is absolutely magnificent" Elyakim Yaron, Maariv).

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44


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