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Events in Jerusalem

Saul's Daughter

at 08.01.2011

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Saturday jan 8th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Saul's Daughter."

Thursday, January 6, 8:30 PM
Sunday, January 9, 8:30 PM

The tragedy of the House of Saul from Michal's perspective

King Saul's daughter Michal, the first Jewish princess, describes the tragic story of her family from her own sarcastic perspective. A witty, emotional theatrical dialogue with the daughter of the king whom the Bible loved to hate. Can history change?

The play won an honorable mention at the 2006 Small Bama Festival for writing, directing, acting, and design, as well as the audience favorite acting prize.

The play will be followed by a lecture by Dr. Gila Wachman, a scholar of midrash, on the tragedy of the House of Saul as seen through midrashim.

Writing: Matan Oryan / Directing: Guy Cohen / Acting: Hadas Gilboa-Kreidelman / Dramaturgy and supervision of directing: Dalit Millstein / Design: Karin Romano-Ashkenazi / Lighting: Ziv Voloshin

Movement: Eran Lavi / Harp: Olga Moitlis

"Touches the heart" (Eitan Bar-Yosef, Akhbar Ha'ir Tel Aviv)

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44


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