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Events in Jerusalem

My Successful Child

at 09.02.2011

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Wednesday feb 9th

Beit Avi Chai presents "My Successful Child": A celebratory evening in honor of poet Ayin Hillel.

A musical-literary performance based on the works of poet Ayin Hillel (Hillel Omer), marking the 20th anniversary of his passing and the publication of the book Yossi Yeled Sheli Mutzlah. The evening will feature works by the poet, songs, stories of his childhood on the kibbutz, childhood memories that seem to burst out in song, and his poems for children, full of wonder, laughter, wildness, and beauty.

Ayin Hillel was one of the first children born on Kibbutz Mishmar Ha'emek-one of the "first sabras." His identity and his poems are full of the landscapes, people, beauty, and shouts of Israel, but his gaze remained full of wonder, curiosity, and amazement.


His daughters Tal and Nuli Omer, Gani Tamir, Dori Ben-Zeev, Yahli Toren

Special guests: Author Hanoch Bartov and poet Haim Gouri-Ayin Hillel's close friends

Organizer and host: Tal Omer / Musical accompaniment: Adi Renert

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44


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