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Events in Jerusalem

Tirtza Atar: Ode to a Woman

at 29.12.2010

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Wednesday dec 29th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Tirtza Atar: Ode to a Woman."

• Wednesday, December 29, 8:30 PM

This show lets us peer into the world of a sensitive, special, and diverse artist who, in her short life, wrote and published books of poetry, children's books, and translations of plays.

The performance marks the publication of the book All the Lights Went Out at Once, published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad.

With Hanna Meron, Shula Chen, Natan Slor (Tirtza Atar's son), Dana Berger, Roni Alter, Yochai Bloom, and Osnat Zibil.

Musical direction and piano: Yochai Bloom / Organization: Osnat Zibil

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44


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