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Events in Jerusalem

Spontaneous Combustion 48 Hour Play Project at Center Stage Theater

at 14.10.2010

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Thursday oct 14th

The Merkaz's Center Stage Theater presents Spontaneous Combustion: the 48 Hour Play Project

Are you interested in acting and writing shows for theater, but simply don't have the time to commit to months of rehearsals?


This is the event for you!


We're back for another round of spontaneity, and some shows, that simply just don't work (combust)!


We write, rehearse, tech. and perform a series of 10 minute plays in 48 hours.

Come be part of the action and the fun!


Each play consists of 1 writer and 2 actors, and we give you the opening line of the play, and a famous person you need to include, at the go mark, then you have 48 hours to put it together, before you perform in front of a live audience!


48 hours begin on Sunday Oct. 10th and continue until showtime Tuesday Oct. 12th.


Performances Oct. 12th, and 14th at 8 pm.


To participate all you need to do is sign up, either with a friend or on your own.

For more info, or to sign up, email


Happy Combusting!


Location: Merkaz Hamagshimim's Center Stage Theater 7a Rechov Dor Dor VeDorshav Jerusalem, Israel


Center Stage Theatre | 7a Rechov Dor Dor VeDorshav


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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