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Events in Jerusalem

One and a Half

at 19.08.2010

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Thursday aug 19th

Ish Theatre presents "One and a Half" a funny and sad performance which reminds us how fragile the world is and how peculiar our lives in it are.

A young couple who wed on the day the world was destroyed is left after the awful explosion and complete destruction of humanity. As a result of the shock they've forgotten how to live and love, but mostly: what on earth do you do after the wedding?

Unfortunately, the fate of humanity itself depends on them.

Different characters burst into the storyline, reminding us how ridiculous and strange the destroyed world was.
Similar to Felini's "Eight and a Half", "One and a Half" is a pit stop between two big productions by Ish Theater.

Directed by: Masha Nemirov | Performers: Peudor Makarov, Yulena Zimerman, Harel Kertes, Noam Rubinshtein | Design: Svetlana Livshits | Management and Production: Elina Feldman



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