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Events in Jerusalem

The King and the Magician

at 20.05.2010

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Thursday may 20th

Theatre Company Jerusalem presents "The King and the Magician," a tale of a soothsayer king, Balak ben Zippor, and a great magician, Bilam ben Beor. A unique adaptation of the Biblical story, for children. A story about curses and their disadvantages and blessings and their advantages. Three actors, puppets, shadows, and masks all work together to act out the story.


Adaptation, writing, and direction: Ayelet Stoller

Actors and partners in creation of the play: Tzahala Michaeli, Niso Kaaviah


For children, ages 6-10.

Open Hours

December 17: 10:00 and 12:00 December 18 and 19: 17:00


Remez St. 2


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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